Wednesday 9 January 2013

how has online media developed?

“How has online media developed?”

1) Development of the Internet

The World Wide Web was conceived by Tim Berners - Lee in March 1989, and on 25 December 1990 it is also known as www. Which is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the internet and is essential to the development of the 21st century. It can also be used to view web pages that may contain text, images, videos and other multimedia.
The first website was launched on the 6th of August 1991. It featured hypermedia information retrieval imitative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents.
    Hotwired was the first web site to sell banner ads in large quantities to a wide range of major corporate advertisers. The first web banner sold by
 The first ever banner ad was the Hotwired and was paid for by AT&T, and was put online on October 25, 1994.
Then YouTube was launched on February 2005 which was a website in which you could upload, download and subscribe but also watch videos on, its a website that is used by millions daily. was first registered on September 15, 1997.

Broadband internet became widely available in the year 2000, and has become essential to all households. With broadband it is so easy to use as soon as you switch on your computer.
and was first launched in 1995 it is an American multinational electronic commerce company with headquarters in Seattle in the United States of America and is the world’s largest online retail company.
The actual term when web 2.0 was first become frequently used was in1999 and was used to describe that use technology beyond the static pages of the earlier websites.

2)Development of online music

Amazon first started selling music online was in 1995 in comparison
Napster was first launched December the first and is a two music focused online services and became an official music store when it had merged with rhapsody. It provided a peer to peer file sharing internet service that emphasized sharing audio files typically music.

I tunes music store was first launched in January 9, 2001 when the I tunes music store had first launched it only had offered approximately 2,000 independent labels but as of 2012 the I tunes store now offers  more than 28,000,000 songs including exclusive tracks from numerous artists.
The socializing site called MySpace was first launched in august 2003 and headquarters are in Beverly hills ,California , the first artists that had risen to fame from MySpace were artists such as lily Allen, Kate Nash , arctic monkeys, metro station, the devil wears Prada, breathe Carolina , panic at the disco and tila tequila.
key I phone music apps – Pandora- which is a I phone app is a phone version of the free personalized radio  as you can even create a station from the current song or artist.
Another app which is called the shazam music app which cures your “what’s that song” feeling so you hold your I phone near the device and through the I phone microphone  gets a hold of the music and trace the album for you.

3) Development of online news

The BBC news online is the website of the BBC news and was first launched In November 1997.
And is responsible for the newsgathering and production but it is also the most popular United Kingdom news website. 

The guardian online is an a British website owned by the guardian media group and contains nearly all of the content of the newspapers the guardian and the observer it is also one of the worlds online leading newspapers and was first ever launched in 1999.
It usually consisted of the supplement containing feature articles, columns, television and radio listings, and the quick crossword also sport features.

In May 2007, began an 18-month programme of redesigning and changing features to the entire website, starting with the travel section, then moving through the rest of the site and the front page, finally updating the blogging and other community features.
The times first launched an online version of its newspaper was in March 1999.

There are plenty of newspapers which have launched an I phone app such the times, the Sunday times, the guardian and which offers newspapers from 500 newspapers from 70m countries with 37 different languages.

Music has been a part of us and it is likely that everyday activities such as the movements in repetitive work and in walking or even working are hard tasks without any musical instrument guiding you. Music has grown with us over the years and it has found a way to connect with us. People can relate to music, using it as an emotional outlet, or a way to express ourselves. There are so many different styles of music such as Blues, Classical, Country, Dance, Opera, Folk, Jazz, Rhythm & Blues, Rock, Hip Hop, Funk Pop, Reggae, and etc.
Music has developed a lot over the years. For example, street music used to be performed, and composed on the streets but now street music is performed nearly everywhere, in theaters, music videos, and much more. Also nowadays we don't need to compose the music by our selves we can use music programs to do that for us, such as GarageBand or sibelius
In the past R&B/Soul music in the 60's  and 70’s was less popular than other music groups but as the 90’s drew closer it started to blossom and gain more attention. As an example usher who is a male leading singer and his mentee justin beiber.
Rock in the 60's was completely massive and had a huge impact . The Beatles were one of the many popular bands.Another popular rock band was the Beach Boys. Now, there are different sub-genres of rock music such as alternative rock, punk rock, pop rock, indie-rock, and many more.
You can access any type of news media you want on the internet. Through huge networking website such as Facebook and MySpace are two big places to access this information. You can watch all types of news business news, Celebrity/Hollywood news, local news .Modern news media has created a better quality of life You can get on and share the news with a friend. You can get the news across quickly just by the click of a button and that could possibly save a life.
In contrast from a time when there were papers being sold on the sidewalk the role of news media has changed tremendously over the last century. We have gone from a person yelling from the side of the sidewalk, read all about it to newspapers readily available everywhere you look. You can access news media from the television, radio, internet, and even your phone. So this has definitely changes the outlook of the newspaper industry and even might change the industry for worse.

Wednesday 14 November 2012


In the 20th century, cinema had no way of editing films , films were usually continous pieces of parts  of the film that were recorded previously and shown in cinemas.
until there had been sergie eisenstein a man who was a pioneering soviet fim producer who is still considered the father of "montage", montage - a technique used in filmaking editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space,time and the information.

editing answers for film analysis
There was approximately 130 times that the footage is cut and the camera angle changes dozen of times to potray different feelings but the reason why there is so much cutting is because, it seems more realistic as in reality we change our view everyday to different angles so we connect more to the movie and are more engaged but are more likely to understand what is going on if its not just seen from one angle.
 I believe that the clip i had watched from the film was highly fragmented it had constantly been changed from one person's view to another to complete different angles also the camera shots had changed very quickly from a birds eye view, mid shot, long shot,jump cut and cross cuts had been used on a regular basis.
the cutting is doen so quick thaat it not only compresses time but completely builds up an image or an ideo on its own in the viewers mind. editing matches refer to these techniques that joinnbut also divide two shots by making soem form of a connection between them.

The point of cutting the scenes is to stimulate and grasp the viewers attention but to also explore an emotion in depth, the emotion being sadness but joyful at the same time, as in the clip you can see that the chicken is running  away from a group of men with guns which instantly makes the viewer scared for the wellbeing of the chicken as people can see it as barbaric but also animal cruelty as the animal should be killed as humanly possible. but joyful at the same time as they can't seem to get a hold of the chicken who is as cunning as it is fast. the cutting does not seem as manipulative as we can immidately grasp what is going on from the images  that are not confusing the viewer as the cutting is done in the right moment but also the planning of what sequence would go next in line can be very clear as to what might happen next.

the presentation for the film was the rather objective but also subjective as the director was clearly trying to get the point of the story across but not functional as it would of been as it had clearly become a frenzy by the end of it.the style of the editing was cutting to continuity as it had become rather repetitive and continously cut and edited to fit the directors view of the how the film should go.